Grapevine Education offers a carefully developed 14-day Operational Review process.

The 14-day Operational Review is characterized by the following:


  • Daily MBOs assessment and leadership review to identify department inefficiencies
  • Academic review for admission inclusion
  • Gap analysis to create improvement and encourage leadership development 
  • Technology mapping to create improved staff awareness, tracking, and management focus
  • Implementation of a System-Thinking approach to achieve improvements across the whole organization
  • Implementation of a BROG-Approach (Branding, Recognize-Re-Direct, One on One development and Group training to ensure proper processes (train to impact)
  • Focus on empowering leadership to create a culture of ownership, togetherness & fairness centered on objective-based performance 


Our Operational Review produces results you can see:

  • After one week, Grapevine conducts an ownership/campus leadership review with actionable items across departments. 
  • After 14 days, Grapevine produces a final review characterizing all findings and introducing further actionable items to maximize results across all departments.
  • Within three months of operation, schools will witness an improved staff culture across all departments, in which staff are passionate, enjoy their jobs, and have clear ownership of their responsibilities.
  • Marketing and Admissions departments operating in sync, with strong operational efficiency throughout the campus. 
  • Schools will see Performance Maximization through student movement tracking, conversation-based lead tagging, and data awareness leading to strong, consistent growth throughout all departments.