Grapevine’s unique integration of marketing and admissions reliably produces an increase in quality leads and actual enrollments. Our marketing strategy includes:


  • Content marketing: We introduce original content to increase prospects and drive traffic to your website. 
  • SEO optimization: We use keywords, original content and more to drive search engines to favor your website, resulting in increased traffic and high quality organic leads.
  • Pay-per-click advertising: We perform a thorough audit of your existing data, and use that information to create a series of PPC landing pages focused on converting visitors into customers, thereby increasing your overall conversions. 
  • Marketing automation: We use marketing automation to attract qualified leads, and nurture those leads by delivering the right personalized message at the right time. Marketing automation allows you to track the customer’s journey, see which campaigns are most effective, and focus your spend on what works- empowering your organization to drive more leads, convert more leads to sales, and optimize your return on investment.


  • Digital Analytics: We use the top digital analytics tools available to clearly show you which strategies are working and which are not, ensuring you are spending your marketing budget wisely and maximizing your ROI.
  • And more! To deliver you with strong organic results that are measurable and ongoing.